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Tissue Processor
TS-3S1 자동조직처리기
◆ 고품질 부품, 매끄러운 작동, 낮은 소음, 인체 공학적 디자인


◆Flexible transmission system, low noise, wear-resistant

◆High-precision, low-noise, and wear-resistant photoelectric positioning system using imported high-quality elements to ensure stable and smooth operation all within an ideal ergonomic design

◆Two sets of operation mechanisms doubles the processing capacity. Tissue specimens can be separately placed into different baskets according to size, texture, and origin, thus improving processing performance Optional single-mechanism mode for processing a small number of tissue specimens easing the operation

◆Scrolling processing mode multiplies the processing capacity of the system – one device can do the amount of work equal to multiple single-basket machines. A processed basket can be continuously used following another basket that is in processing without interruption, thus achieving a continuous cycling operation and maximizing the processing capacity of the system

◆20 editable programs for each of A and B mechanisms can be stored in the system

◆Integrated high-quality colored super large LCD touch-screen offers clear display and simple operation; window-scrolling/flipping human-machine conversation interface provides clear instructions for each step (online help)

◆Fully intelligent design, enabling timely determination and automatic recovery from an abnormal event

◆Real-time visual simulation with icons displays working status dynamically, clearly and intuitively

◆Green inner-cycling air purification system to highly efficiently adsorb and remove poisonous gas; well-sealgas-effluxion mechanism to effectively improve the operation environment, environmentally friendly and safe

◆This system can be automatically started at any time as programmed (Setting Rang 0-99 hours and 0-59 minutes) Processing duration is automatically calculated and displayed on the screen, allowing the user to make a more efficient work plan

◆Power Protection Station: Station 7 for A basket and Station 5 for B basket, ensuring continued operation during a power outage.

◆Automated fan control: Stays ‘on’ all the time when the specimens are not submerged in cup and 10 seconds every minute when the specimens are submerged in cup and in processing

◆Automated light control: stays ‘on’ all the time during programming; stays ‘off’ during the automatic operation and can be automatically turned ‘on’ anytime by touching the screen or any key and stays ‘on’ for 2 minutes.

◆Internal dry heating mechanism and triple protection channels offer high-precision automatic gradient temperature control Automatically determines the time of heating, resulting in energy efficiency

◆Low-energy-consuming control circuit with power protection function When power outage occurs, the screen displays as normal with a scrolling bar demonstrating the ‘on’ status of the power protection system Battery backup with more than 30 hours of running power

◆Manual operation can be conducted anytime during the programmed automatic operation, allowing user to check or add tissue specimens during the operation

◆250 or more specimens can be processed at the same time

[기술 사양]

◆ 컵 수 : 14 개 (시약 용 10 개, 파라핀 용해에는 11, 12, 13, 14 스테이션의 컵이 사용됨)

◆ 두 바구니

◆ 각 컵의 용량 : 2000ml

◆ 온도 범위 : RT-80도C

◆온도 제어 정밀도 : ± 1도C;

◆컵 처리 시간 : 1 차 및 2 차 컵의 경우 0 ~ 99 시간 사이의 길이 3 ~ 14 번째 컵의 경우 0 ~ 24 시간 사이의 길이

◆떨어지는 시간 : 10s-60s 내에서 조정 가능; 컵 위에서 흔들거나 떨어 뜨림

◆교반 빈도 : 조정 가능한 0-6 배 / 분 조정 가능

◆ 탈수 바구니는 3 층으로 나누어 져있어 조직의 분류가 용이합니다.

◆ 작동 전압 : AC 220V ± 10 % 50Hz (표준 모델); AC110V ± 10 % 60Hz

◆ 전원 : 550W

◆ 치수 : 1370 × 440 × 525 mm (W × D × H)

◆ 무게 : 102kg 

주소 : 서울특별시 성동구 성수일로55, 506호(성수1동, SK테크노빌딩)    |    하남시 조정대로 150 아이테코 665호
본사 : Tel 02-461-2700   Fax : 02-461-3889   e-mail : ceoksd@naver.com